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The World's Major Ocean Surface Currents - Velocity & Temperature (SST)


Major Ocean Currents Gulf Stream Current
The worlds major ocean currents (Click to enlarge) JHU Gulf Stream SST regions (Click to the JHU G.S. SST site)


JHU Satellite derived SST sample images of the Gulf Stream, (Not live web linked)

JHU Satellite Derived sample SST image - Gulf Stream JHU Satellite Derived SST sample image - Gulf Stream


JHU Satellite Derived SST sample image - Gulf of Mexico Loop Current JHU Satellite Derived SST sample image - Gulf Stream


NOAA OSCAR Satellite Derived ocean surface current velocity sample images, (Not live web linked)

NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image


NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image


NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image


NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image NOAA OSCAR - sample ocean surface current image